Friday, February 2, 2024

The BIG ballot question in 2024

Almost immediately after he was steered into the Oval Office to begin work as front man for the Obama-Soros Deep State, Senile Joe Biden began rolling back President Trump's immigration policies, which he had assailed throughout the 2020 campaign as "harsh and inhumane."

That was three years ago. And we all know what's happened to America since the borders (north as well as south) were declared open again. President F.J. Brandon now sounds remarkably like the Donald as he presses Congress for "restrictions" (not an outright ban) on asylum seekers. Progressive thinkers are moaning that such measures would be unthinkable if Uncle Joe were still alive.

But no... President Brandon is boarding up the entrance to his Delaware basement against  the expected home invastion by the "undocumented newcomers" he can see marching up the driveway even now. He is under intense pressure, not just from Republicans but from Democrats, including elected Democratic officials in "sanctuary cities" 1000s of miles from the border who are feeling the blowback from Americans angry about the effects of asylum-seekers arriving in record numbers. 

With the 2024 presidential campaign shaping up as a likely rematch between Crooked Joe and the Donald, unlimited and uncontrolled immigration has become Mr Brandon's biggest potential liability.

That's why the Democrats have and the lickspittle media have done the Big 180, and are now pushing a sweeping measure that would expand the President's authority to put strict new limits on border crossings. "If that bill were the law today, I'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly," Joe said (from his basement) this past weekend.

Meanwhile, President Trump, is eager to rekindle the passions that the wide-open border fueled during his successful 2016 campaign. Corey Lewandowski, his 2016 campaign manager, said, " It has been a message that has resonated not just with Republicans or Democrats, but across the country, because now even those liberal cities, those blue cities, those blue mayors, they're saying we can't handle the crisis anymore and give us help,"

Mr Trump lamented over the weekend that his border message didn't resonate when he ran for reelection in 2020 because he'd done such a good job controlling the border that he "took it out of play." The Dempanic over Covid didn't help either, as the number of immigrant wannabes dwindled somewhat because of lack of job prospects. 

Campaigning in Las Vegas on Saturday, President Trump said, "Literally we couldn’t put it in a speech. Nobody wanted to hear about the border. We had no border problem. But now we can talk about the border because it's never, ever been worse than it is now."

A vote on the supposedly bipartisan bill to reimpose border controls is expected today. Walt wonders if the so-called moderate Republicans will be suckers enough to support the Dumbocrats' desperate ploy to shield Crooked Joe from the voters' wrath in November, thus putting him back in the White House for aother four years or his death, whichever first occurs. Stay tuned.

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