Sunday, February 25, 2024

Just like the Holiday Inn

Turns out that South Carolina is not like Pennsylvania or Arizona. Truckloads of ballots did not arrive in the middle of the night to enable Nikki Haley to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. [Did you make that up? Ed.]

The lickspittle media raced to be the first to declare a result, with ABC the winner, calling Trump the winner at approximately 7:00:09 EST. Here are the final numbers.

President Trump: 451,905 votes (59.8%), winning all 44 delegates to the GOP convention
Nikki Haley: 298,681 (39.5%), winning NO delegates
Ron DeSantis: 2951 votes (0.4%)
Vivek Ramaswamy: 728 votes (<0.1%). 
Walt's percentage of correct predictions (see yesterday's post): .990.

So... no surprises, then. Just like the Holiday Inn. Walt notes two things.

First... the Republican Party belongs to President Trump, whether the RINOs and never-Trumpers (Hello, David Frum) like it or not. Whatever demographic or regional divisions may have existed in the past have been largely swept away. As proof of this, I offer the prospect of Senator Tim Scott being offered the No. 2 spot on the GOP ticket.

Second... the Dumbocrats must now be seriiously considering showing President Brandon the exit door, while there is still time [about a minute and a half. Ed.] to find another candidate for the presidensity.

Some Dems are putting on a brave face, saying Demented Joe is the only one who could beat the Orange Man, but the operative word there is "could"... not "will". If you're an independent voter and have to choose between two old white guys with health and legal issues, which one would you trust to pilot the ship of state through the stormy seas that lie ahead. [That's enough metaphors. Ed.]

That brings us back to "Waiting in the wings... or maybe just outside the window?", WWW 22/1/24. Mrs Barrack Hussein Obama would be a plausible candidate, but my guess is that she would only throw her do-rag in the ring once Brandon is tail-lights, and if Deep State has everything rigged so that she couldn't possibly lose.

Ms Haley vows to go on to Michigan and Super Tuesday. Whether or not she is able to find the support -- especially financial support -- necessary to do so doesn't matter. She was effectively cooked -- fried -- last night. After Super Tuesday is when the Democratic long knives will come out. Stay tuned.

To that point: "Democrats would have this election in the bag, if not for Joe Biden", by Colby Cosh, in the National Post, 25/1/24.

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