Sunday, October 17, 2021

Separated at birth? Or one and the same person?

Agent 3, who has been wrapped in a wet sheet for almost a month, has a theory about where Pete Buttigag has been for the last two months. Is it not America's let's-pretend Secretary of Transportation looking skyward in the left-hand picture, taken not long ago in Merrye Olde Englande? If not, then who?

Some may think the person on the left is British actor Rowan Atkinson, aka Mister Bean. But if that's the case, why has no new Mr Bean movie been released since Peat began his run for the presidensity of the US of A, nearly two years ago?

Another possibility is that Bean and Hasbeen are Siamese twins ["conjoined twins", please! Ed.] who were successfully separated at birth. Who knows? You be the judge!

1 comment:

  1. Terrible comparison.
    Rowan Atkinson, I would guarantee, never has been a pitcher or a catcher.
