Friday, October 8, 2021

"Allahu akbar!" in... Afghanistan?! What'd I tell you...

The Associated Press mojo wire today spat out a story from Afghanistan which attracted only a little notice from the controlled media. In "Taliban-controlled Afghanistan" (the new politically correct way of referring to the shithole that 1000s of Westerners died trying to civilize), an ISIS suicide bomber struck at a mosque packed with Shiite Muslim worshippers in the northern city of Kunduz. 

Friday is a prime day of Muslim-on-Muslim attacks, because followers of the Prophet can be found kneeling in prayer, heads down and asses up. You can't miss! Today's bombing sent at least 46 people to Paradise, and wounded dozens more.

In its claim of responsibility, broadcast on the ISIS-linked Aamaq news agency, the region’s ISIS affiliate identified the bomber as a Uygher Muslim, saying the attack targeted both Shiites and the mainly Sunni Taliban for their purported willingness to expel Uyghers to meet demands from China. The blast was just the latest in a series of ISIS bombings and shootings that have targeted Afghanistan's new Taliban rulers, as well as religious institutions and minority Shiites since American and other NATO troops fled in disarray at the end of August.

May I now say for the last time [Really? Ed.] that Western nations had no business intervening in what was and still is an ongoing Muslim civil war. Likewise, we have no responsibility to send millions of dollars in food and other aid to avoid the imminent "humanitarian disaster" which the liberals are now saying is somehow all our fault. The Islamists' "Religion of Peace" is the cause of their misery. That's all ye know and all ye need to know.

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