Monday, September 14, 2020

VIDEO: Latest TRUTHFUL facts and figures on the Dempanic

Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. Last week AIER posted this calm, reasoned and fact-filled video by Ivor Cummins, an engineer-trained thinker who has worked to summarize the best science and data. His latest video brings enormous clarity to the topic, based on data and evidence from all over the world, presented without hype or ideology.

Mr Cummins presents lockdown and mandated mask analysis with detailed and documented evidence that these strategies were a massive mistake and had no impact on the virus. Without the imposed lockdowns, which caused more deaths than were ever saved, the virus numbers would have naturally decreased as shown in the stat charts in the video.

Agent 6, who sent this to us (Tanks, bye!) adds: Our nation's future has been and continues to be jeopardized with a lie supported by falsified, fake scientific information.

To which Walt says, indeed so! I just finished reading (and recommend highly) Barbara Demick's Eat the Buddha, an excellent and very recent book (Random House 2020) about the Chinese occupation of Tibet. The author mentions that as the kung flu spread, the Commies quickly devised a plan to have an app that would code everybody green, yellow or red, to determine if they had been infected and where they would be allowed to go. She predicts that the app will continue to be used long after the plandemic passes. Sound like anything you've heard of in your country?

Walt notes the uptick in demonstrations against government regulation and control, even by sheeplike Canucks. I don't totally disapprove of wearing a mask, social distancing and all that, but think our governments have gone waaaaay too far. In the end, isn't it the individual's responsibility to decide how much risk he wants to run? We shouldn't be letting the nanny state run our personal lives so much.

As Mr Cummins writes in his YouTube introduction: Get educated guys and gals -- or keep your head in the sand while your errant leaders destroy society around you.

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