Saturday, September 5, 2020

Ed. is baffled by Blogger's new GUI

"Graphic User Interface" -- isn't that what they call the screen on which you compose and edit stuff for the Internet? Blogger, which is part of Google which is part of Alphabet Inc. (or something like that) has rolled out a new GUI, to replace the one that Ed. took three years to master. Ed. is not pleased. 

It seems the new GUI is designed to make it easier for people to use on their smart phones. Ed. doesn't have a smart phone. Neither do I. We use PCs -- very 20th century but we're old dogs and don't learn new tricks easily or happily. 

So until Blogger realizes that their new GUI is kind of like New Coke, and rolls out "Blogger Classic" (no charge for that!), we're suspending publication... this after more than 11 years and over 4000 posts. Thanks and `bye... at least for now... from Walt, Poor Len Canayen [and Ed.! Ed.]

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