Wednesday, September 16, 2020

VIDEO: Enoch Powell interviewed by William F. Buckley Jr.

Over nine years ago, we posted "'I told you this would happen!': Enoch Powell", referencing Mr Powell's "Birmingham Speech" -- that was what he called it -- of 20 April 1968. The speech became better known as "the Rivers of Blood speech", for the Rt. Hon. Mr Powell had the courage to say what had already become politically incorrect. Like what? Britain (he said) would rue the day when it opened the doors to 1000s of third-world immigrants who would not or could not be assimilated into British society.

He was right, of course, but for the sin of telling the truth, Enoch Powell was forever branded as a racist, and drummed out of the British Conservative Party's shadow cabinet. A little over a year later, he appeared on Firing Line, the late lamented TV programme hosted by the also-late, also-lamented Willliam F. Buckley, Jr. Here is the complete interview.

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