Sunday, May 26, 2019

Breaking GOOD news! Marine Le Pen's National Rally wins European Parliament elections in France

Ed. here (again). I was just about to sign out for the day when this despatch came in on the mojo wire. Walt is a strong supporter of Marine Le Pen and will doubtless turn cartwheels when he reads this, but for the moment I'll just give you the basics, as reported by AP.

A European Parliament election that could reshape the political order across the continent drew toward a close Sunday with the anti-immigrant far right projected to win in France, and Germany's centrist governing party headed for heavy losses as well.

The four days of balloting across the 28 European Union countries were seen as a test of the influence of the nationalist, populist and hard-right movements that have swept the continent.

Exit polls in France indicated that Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party came out on top, in an astounding rebuke for French President Emmanuel Macron, who has made EU integration the heart of his presidency.

Exit polls indicated the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel also suffered major losses.

Further reading:"One-worlders quake with fear as nationalists win elections everywhere", WWW 21/5/19. We'll hold the "told ya so" until Walt returns.

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