Saturday, May 11, 2019

VIDEO: The Rebel's May 3rd interview with Maxime Bernier

Ed. here. Some churl has e-mailed to say that WWW seems to be turning into the Max Bernier channel, or maybe the People's Party of Canada channel, because we've run several videos featuring Mad Max and Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. Let me `splain. While most of our readers are in the Excited States of America, we do have a significant number from North of 49.

They tell us the lamestream media of Canuckistan seem to have agreed (or been directed by Justin's minions) to not give any airtime to, or even mention "Max Bernier's People's Party", as they call it disparagingly. The Sunday morning snorefests -- they have those in Canada too -- regularly feature Elizabeth May, "leader of the Green Party", which until Monday last was a party of one, i.e. Ms May. But do they ever invite M Bernier to weigh in with comments on such "non-issues" (as the meeja would have it) as immigration and climate change? Noooo.

So for those who are wondering where Max has been and if he's saying anything about the things that matter, here's a 49-minute conversation between M Bernier and David Menzies of, in which they discuss everything from immigration and censorship to political correctness and the media conspiracy to demonize conservatives.

Footnote: At the 36 minute mark of the video, you'll here David Menzies mention (on the subject of free speech and the CBC) the name of Don Cherry, featured here on May 5th: "Don Cherry for NHL Hall of Fame!". Check it out.

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