Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Multiculturalism a lie, sez Germany's Merkel (again)

"Obey our laws, values and traditions!" That (believe it or not) is what German Chancellor Angela Merkel told immigrants in a speech on Monday in Karlsruhe, a city near the French border which has been overrun by non-European refugees.

Frau Merkel has recently been given a good deal of credit for opening Germany's doors to the flotsam and jetsam of the Middle East. For pushing "Willkommenskultur", she was named Time's Man of the Year ["Person", surely! Ed.] But since a million Muslims have entered the Fatherland this year alone, Frau Merkel admits that Germany may be reaching its limits in terms of accepting more refugees. "The challenge is immense," she told her audience. "We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably."

But wait (as Vince Offer would say), there's more! Frau Merkel made it clear that she and the German people expect the aliens to assimilate into mainstream German society. Her message to immigrants is: check your foreign ways and values at the door! "Multiculturalism", she said "leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a 'life lie'!"

The lamestream media and multicultists, in Germany and overseas, just about wet themselves, accusing Chancellor Merkel of contradicting herself. But she didn't! She merely reiterated a sentiment she expressed over five years ago, which I told you about in "Multiculturalism 'utter failure': German Chancellor" (WWW 17/10/10)

Yes, way back in 2010, Frau Merkel said "Of course the tendency had been to say, 'Let's adopt the multicultural concept and live happily side by side, and be happy to be living with each other.' But this concept has failed, and failed utterly."

The intent of Monday's speech appears to have been to calm the vast majority of Germans, who have grown increasingly weary of the influx of refugees and of the "Willkommenskultur" urged on them by the liberals and celebrators of diversity. Newcomers, Frau Merkel stressed, should assimilate to German values and culture, and respect the country's laws. Walt asks how come she can say things like that, and Donald Trump can't?!

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