Tuesday, June 9, 2015

VIDEO: The anti-Harper ad Canucks aren't being allowed to see

According to "The Nation's Report Card" -- the results of standardized tests given to US students -- 33% of Grade 8 students believe that Canada is a dictatorship.. Some may think that shows how poorly educated American kids are, but to Walt, it shows something positive -- that they have learned the truth about Canada's Dear Leader, Prime Minister Steve "Stephen" Harper.

Mr. Harpoon, often accused of being a control freak, has done many things to prove his many detractors right. Among them is the effective muzzling of the Canadian Broadcorping Castration [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, surely! Ed.], aka the CBC. Although funded by Canuck taxpayers and nominally controlled by the government, the Corpse was able for about seven decades to maintain a reasonable semblance of journalistic independence and integrity. Then, along came Steve.

The Dear Leader hates the CBC, and its news and public affairs producers in particular, for daring to call attention to the list of scandals, oversights, muzzlings, and mysterious cash losses that are fast becoming the hallmarks of his tenure as prime minister. He is plainly intent on killing it by steadily reducing the subsidies it receives -- a death of 1000 spending cuts.

In protest, a non-profit group called Friends of Canadian Broadcasting (headed by an old classmate of Agent 3!) has produced a TV ad that pokes fun at Mr. Harpoon's "hostile agenda" for the CBC. So far the ad hasn't been seen by denizens of the Great Not-so-white North because the CBC has refused to air it. So have all the major Canadian TV networks and station owners -- Bell, Corus, Québécor, Rogers, and Shaw. Why? Certainly not because they're all subject to regulation by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, which is controlled by... wait for it... the government of Steve Harper.

So, as a service to our Canadian readers (and because WWW is beyond the reach of the CRTC!), we present "The Man Behind The Desk" -- the ad Harper doesn't want you to see. Many thanks to Agent 34 for sending us the URL.

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