Thursday, September 18, 2014

Nearly $5 million to be spent proving US police are racists

More good news out of Washington! President Obarmy's Chief Kleagle [Attorney-General Eric Holder. Ed.] announced this week that the US Justice Department is going to spend $4,750,000 of Americans' tax dollars to study police arrest data for evidence of racial bias. The study will look at records from five cities (yet to be chosen) to see if police are using "racial profiling" to determine what kind of people could be described as "the usual suspects".

Putting it another way, "law enforcement experts" will be looking for evidence of bias against decent, law-abiding citizens like these.

Walt wonders who could possibly be biased against people like this, and why millions of dollars needs to be spent to study the alleged problem. Here are some possible reasons.

Item: This project comes after the violent unrest in Ferguson MO last month. The rioters -- for that's what they were -- looked a lot like, errr, the upstanding citizens shown in this picture.

Item: Mr. Holder happens to be a gentleman of the coloured persuasion... not too coloured, mind you. So is his boss.

Item: The study will be conducted by "experts" from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, as well as Yale Law School, the Center for Policing Equity [sic] at UCLA, and the Washington-based Urban Institute -- all fine institutions completely free of any eastern/intellectual/liberal/federalist bias.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that "the researchers involved in the project say they bringing a holistic approach that combines training of police officers on issues of racial bias, data analysis and interviews with community members. They will be reviewing police behavior in the cities in hopes of building community trust and creating an evidence-based model that could be applied more broadly."

Note from Ed.: I regret to advise that Walt was taken violently ill after typing that last paragraph. I have given him a small dish of jellied gin and put him to bed. He may be able to return tomorrow.

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