Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Same-sex marriage in MA: the David Parker case

The case of David Parker cited by Rabbi Yehuda Levin - see preceding post - shows the pernicious effects of laws legalizing same-sex "marriage". Once you legalize something, you make it officially acceptable. Thereafter, any dissent from the notion that it is not acceptable can and will be punished!

In 2005, David Parker, of Lexington MA, insisted on being notified when teachers were discussing homosexuality or transgenderism with his kindergarten son so the boy could be removed from the class. The school responded by having Mr. Parker arrested and thrown in jail overnight. This subsequently cost Parker thousands of dollars in legal bills. That is the price he paid for daring to question things which were once considered abominations in the eyes of God but which are now officially sanctioned by the all-powerful (and all-godless) state.

For an extensive litany of horrific effects that same sex "marriage" has on public schools, child adoption, the legal profession, Government mandates, the media, and even our public places -- with an increase in vile "Gay Pride" parades like the one being held in Toronto this weekend -- click here to read "What Same-Sex Marriage has done to Massachusetts".

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