Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Disadvantaged youths": what is to be done?

Walt is following with interest an e-debate -- OK, a discussion by e-mail -- between Agents 3 and 17 about what, if anything, should/can be done with/to/for black youths, now known in PC circles as "disadvantaged persons".

These kids (?), it seems, are "depraved on account of they're deprived". They come from dysfunctional homes, usually without fathers, so naturally they become gangstas. And their alienation from mainstream society also manifests itself in bizarre dress, incomprehensible jive talk (or gansta rap or whatever it's called these days) and generally antisocial behaviour.

For two cases in point, see "Pants on Ground Prompts Bullet in Butt", an incident in Memphis, and "Boy, 14, among youths facing gun charges", from Toronto.

What to do? That's the $64 question in Toronto, Memphis and just about every North American city. If anyone has a workable suggestion not involving firing squads, Walt would be pleased to read and publish it.

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