For that reason, the riding (Americans read: electoral district) of Nepean is, for the Natural Governing (read: Liberal) Party, one of the safest seats in all Canuckistan. It was represented by a Liberal even in the dark days following the 2011 federal election, when feckless Michael "Iggy" Ignatieff led the Gliberals to their worst showing in history. They won only 34 seats, a distant third behind the Conservatives and socialist NDP, thus losing their position as Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition.
The response of the Laurentian elites was to make it easier -- much easier -- for anyone who might be persuaded to support the Liberal Party to become a member thereof. The rules were changed to allow anyone over 14 to vote in the party's nominating conventions, without regard to citizenship or lack thereof. You didn't have to be able to understand English/français. You didn't even have to pay for a party card. All you had to do was say you supported the party.
Thus it was that Liberal Associations from coast to coast to coast were flooded with new members, the majority of whom, in some cases, weren't Canadian citizens or even permanent residents. Busloads of them were bused in [what else? Ed.] to the white-minority suburbs of Toronto and Vancouver, as well as paler places like Nepean, to vote en bloc for a new and improved (read: woke) leader.
The elites said, "Let there be sunny ways!", and lo, Justin Trudeau emerged from his father's mansion to lead the faithful back to the promised land... and the pigs -- the new DEI pigs -- back to the government trough.
One of the troughers was Chandrakanth "Chandra" Arya, who rode Blackie's coat-tails into the House of Commons in the 2015 federal election. The Member of Parliament for Nepean has been sitting there ever since, warming the back benches and hoping the current Parliament will last long enough for him to collect his indexed pension.
Mr Arya's prospects dimmed noticeably with the Emperor's announcement that he might resign (WWW 7/1/25), ahead of a massive anti-Trudeau vote which could occur in the spring. For the Gliberals to survive, they need to find a new leader whom the angry voters will not revile quite so much.
Alas, there is an understandable reluctance on the part of putative candidates to throw their chapeaux into the ring. As reported here yesterday, Dominic LeBlanc, who was Walt's early line favourite to win, was smart enough to pull out before he was nominated. The only others with substantial name recognition -- Mark Carney and Chrystia Freelove -- are increasingly coy about their intentions.
So... step forward Chandra Arya, ready to save Canada (and, incidentally, the Liberals) from the fate of the American Democrats. Oh my goodness!
The mind boggles at the prospect of a "gummint" headed by Mr Chandra, but in a voting system [Is dis a system? Ed.] where poll officials are not allowed even to ask about voters' status in Canada, anything could happen.
Walt wishes Mr Chandra many good lucks, by Jove! But we will not open a new book on the Liberal leadership contest until such time as there are three credible candidates... not including him.
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