Friday, November 3, 2023

The hidden numbers and true cost of mass immigration

Agent 3 tells me that if you ask Johnny Canuck, the average Canajan, hanging out at Tim's, how many immigrants Canuckistan should accept next year, he'll tell you, "None is too many!"

The Honourable Marc Miller, the Liberal Minister of Immigration and Refugees and Citizenship and Refugees (etc etc, but did we mention Refugees), got up on his hind feet in Ottawa this week to tell Johnny Canuck that he's wrong! And/or that Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface doesn't care what his subjects think.

Instead, Mr Miller revealed that the misgovernment's "new" immigration targets for the next three years were... wait for it... pretty much the same as last year's historic high level. Canadians are expected to "welcome" 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, 500,000 in 2025 and another 500,000 in 2026.

So, in the next three years, Canada will (officially) welcome another 1,5 MILLION "permanent residents". But that's only half the story! A report by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce shows that equally large or even greater numbers of aliens are getting into the Great No-longer-white North through the back door.

In 2022, the permanent resident figure was 435,000, but the CIBC claims the actual number of "newcomers" was more than 955,000. Statistics Canaada goes even farther, pegging the number at more than one million. No final total for 2022 has been provided by the Liberal government. 

To understand Trudeau's full plans for immigration -- aka the Great Replacement -- look at the numbers of "temporary residents" -- those who were provided visas for education (e.g. at the Singh School of Trucking) and work (as drivers of killer 18-wheelers). Temporary visa holders accounted for 58% (!) of the 2022 intake of newcomers (58 per cent) in 2022. 

That's based on the government's numbers, which may be off by as many as a million. Yet the Liberals plan to increase the pace of temporary immigration in the coming years. More than 900,000 international students are expected in 2024. 

But wait, as Vince Offer used to say, there's more. To add to the "front door" permanent residents and the "back door" temporary residents”, there are all those self-styled refugees and migrants who make it to Canadian soil to seek asylum. 

In 2022, the feds stated that nearly 40,000 people crossed through the notoriously open border at Roxham Road. However, reports from NGOs and the Québec government claimed that nearly 93,000 asylum-seekers had their bags carried for them by the Mounties. As well, there were 145,000 real refugees from Ukraine, and another 20,000 from Afghanistan.

Welcoming all these migrants -- the bad along with the good -- costs a shed-load of money. Supporting them puts increased pressure placed on social services, housing, and health care, all to be paid out of Canuck taxpayers' deep pockets.

In the federal budget for this year alone, there was a $1 BILLION ($700,000,000 in real money) for short-term accommodation and temporary health-care coverage for asylum-seekers and refugees -- $530 million for accommodations (in luxury hotels and the like) and $469 million for health benefits, some of which, like free dental care, are not available to Johnny Canuck. 

The Honourable Mr Miller says Canada needs more immigrants to fill labour gaps, that we cannot build the homes we need without them. That would be fine if all the newcomers were working, but many working-age immigrants arrive with dependent children and spouses (who do not work) and are often joined later by retired (and often sickly) parents, grandparents, and family members. (It's called chain migration.) So, for every worker Canada gains it also gains at least one dependent.

Here are some more interesting numbers, which presented without (much) comment.
* According to the Canadian census, prior to 2015, 28% of immigrants came from the UK and Europe. That number is 2% today.
* Nearly 98% per cent of immigrants now come from India, China, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria, and African countries, well known for their civilization and democracy.
* In recent years there has been a record spike in the numbers of immigrants who have left Canada (onward migration) because of high cost of living, housing issues, underemployment (because of Canada's systemic racism, of course), and the cold.
* Concomitantly [How long have you waited to use that word? Ed.], US border authorities have seen an alarming 47% increase in north-to-south illegal border crossings. One Republican presidential wannabe has called for a wall to be built on the World's Longest Undefended Border to keep them out!

As Canadians have known for years, but the Liberals refuse to admit (M-106 in force!) some immigrants bring their own toxic beliefs with them. Need proof? Watch the daily anti-Semitic demonstrations in almost every North American city. Given the never-ending flood of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, and lack of enforcement of deportation orders (HA-ha!), not just Jews but all citizens are left in a compromised and vulnerable position. 

Remember this billboard from a not-so-long-ago election? It was deplored by the CBC and all other Forces for Good in Canuckistan. Max Bernier and the People's Party of Canada are still in search of their first seat in the House of Commons. However...

This week, Environics Research released survey results that showed 44% of Canadians feel that "overall, there's too much immigration to Canada."

Last month, an Ipsos poll showed 73%believe the government's "immigration targets should be reduced until the housing shortage eases," and 68% said there should be a cap on international students while the housing crisis is addressed. 

Keith Neuman, the author of the Environics report, observed, "The main thing we're seeing is that people are more concerned about the capacity of the country to absorb a lot of newcomers when things aren't working as well as they were before." 

No kidding?! You mean Johnny Canuck finally got it? Too bad for him, eh, because he's stuck with Junior and his gang of sycophantic elitists for the foreseeable future... or until the Liberal Party takes Junior out for a long walk in the snow... just like his dad.

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