Saturday, March 25, 2023

UPDATED: Thinking of visiting Niagara Falls? Think again!

Walt has received a letter from an American friend who's visiting Niagara Falls, Canada, for some cheap shopping. (The US greenback is worth 1.37 beaverbucks so it's no wonder the mall parking lots are full of cars with US licence plates.)

If you're thinking of visiting the Honeymoon Capital of Canada [he writes], book your hotel room now, and don't be surprised if you have to share space, in the hotel and everywhere in Niagara Falls, with folks like this. 

This pic appeared in the Toronto Sun on Friday. Niagara Falls has welcomed (???) nearly 5000 of these bogus refugees and asylum-seekers, who crossed the porous US-Canada border at Roxham Road, and were sent by the Liberal government to Niagara Falls because the government of Québec said they couldn't and wouldn't take any more.

Trudeau's ministry of DEI has booked another 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) rooms in NF hotels to house these benefit shoppers, many of whom were sent north by Brandon after having entered the USA illegally from Mexico, through the gaps in Trump's wall.

Some, like this chap (dressed as he is for the Canadian winter), came to the New York from Africa, and were given bus tickets to Roxham Road, which they took gratefully because Canadians will immediately give them shelter -- rooms in previously five-star hotels -- food (from food banks), free medicare, free taxi rides, etc etc, all paid for by you know who.

Let's see. Another 500 hotel rooms at, say, 5 or more per room, would be another 2500 to go with the >5000 who have arrived since November. Perhaps they will help Niagara's tourist attractions though. Since they don't have to work -- indeed they can't work! -- they have lots of time, and lots of Canuck taxpayers' money to spend seeing the sights. Hope genuine tourists don't mind sharing!

Looks like Trudeau has pulled the ole switcheroo on this one... locking the barn door (except for 15,000 more who he promised just yesterday to admit without any screening or questioning) AFTER the swine have gone inside. Pretty smart for him, damn gringo!

UPDATE added at 2200: A reader has commented (thank you) that the situation is even more dire in Brockville ON -- closer to the Québec border -- than Niagara Falls. Another has email to say that the3 same situation obrains in Wndsor ON, just across the border from Detroit MI. Why they are sending all these flotsam and jetsam to border towns is inexplicable. Maybe they're hoping that they'll make the jump south to get back into the USA???

1 comment:

  1. While the Sun is going on about Niagara it much worse in Cornwall.The Nav Centre is 100% full and atleast 2 major hotels are full of refugees.
