Tuesday, January 3, 2023

For now, at least... that's it

I began this blog on 3 July 2009 -- 13 1/2 years ago to the day. 

Since then, with help from Poor Len Canayen [and Ed.! Ed.] we've put up some 4900 posts, most of which are still accessible, although videos embedded in some have been deleted by the Alphabet people.

We've had over a million discreet page views, not bad for an obscure little blog that doesn't use fake news, celebrity news, or cheap tricks as a hook to pull in the viewers. [Well... hardly ever. Ed.]

That could be the reason why we never made Dollar One from the "interstitials" -- the annoying ads you see between the articles. If it wasn't for our dear sponsor, we'd never have been able to carry on.

So now, I think it's time to unplug the computer, at least for a while. I am mindful of the exhortations of Michael Matt and Dr Taylor Marshall to keep fighting for the One True Faith and Western Civilization, but they are younger men, with more stamina than I have. God bless them both. I'm going to take a break.

This is not an ABF* farewell. If there is a major -- and I mean MAJOR -- political or religious event, I'll be back. In the meantime, Walt Whiteman's World remains online. You're welcome to comment on this or any other article by clicking on the headline to open up a comments window. Ed. will read them all. 

Thanks again to Poor Len Canayen, our agents, and all our assiduous readers. [And especially Ed. Walt]

* ABF - Absolutely Bloody Final. Ed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to think of something worthy of the occasion, but my mind seems to be in shock and nothing seems to be adequate. It would take a Rex Murphy to do justice to Walt's insight and humour in this blog for the last13.5 years. Future historians (Walt might say, if we have a future) will enjoy mining these reflections on so many topics covering so much of the world! Thanks, Walt (and Ed.)!
