Sunday, August 7, 2022

Walt reveals reason for cancellation of Montréal Pride Parade

Queer story out of Montréal this afternoon, and I mean "queer" in two senses of the word. Pride Montréal abruptly cancelled its iconic annual parade hours before it was to get underway this morning. (The photo is allegedly from a previous year's parade.)

The official reason for the sudden cancellation (can you say that without lisping?) is security concerns stemming from a lack of volunteers for the event. Festival Executive Director Simon Gamache said the march, which was to cap days of celebration of LGBTQ2S++ (and so forth) communities would not have been able to proceed safely.

"We were missing more than 80 people this morning, it's a lot," he told the meeja, adding the absentees represented more than a third of the number needed for the parade to go ahead. 

Montréal Mayor Valérie Plante said on Sunday she was shocked to learn of the cancellation, which she called it "completely unacceptable". She professed to be taken by surprise, and claimed to have no idea what the problem could have been.

M. Gamache, however, said this year's Pride festival fell prey to the kind of "human resource issues" currently plaguing numerous sectors in Québec and across Canada. He also said several cases of Covid were reported among the volunteers, in addition to heatstroke and heavy fatigue, which made them "just so tired!"

Walt's National Sports (as long as it's hockey) Editor, Poor Len Canayen, has good contacts in Montréal, and has uncovered the real story behind the cancellation. According to Len, the public health authorities contacted the parade organizers on Saturday, and warned them that the parade could be a super-spreader event, for which they would be held accountable.

Super-spreader of what? Why, monkeypox of course! Montréal is the epicentre of the outbreak in Canada, and is also home to 100s of African queers who are claiming asylum in Canada because homosexuality is illegal in their homelands. 

Of course no-one is going to say that publicly because to do would be to acknowledge that some 95% of the victims of the loathsome disease are fudge-packers, and it's not politically correct to suggest that there's anything wrong with deviant sexual practices, especially when practised by BIPOCs. Such views are completely and totally unacceptable in Trudeau's Canuckistan.

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