Tuesday, December 21, 2021

VIDEO: For the sake of civilization, Francis must be stopped!

Jorge Bergoglio, the man who calls himself "Pope Francis", must be stopped. That's the message in the latest video from Michael Matt, editor of the Remnant newspaper. Whether or not you’re a Catholic, I urge you to pay attention to Mr Matt's plea. It's not just about rescuing Holy Mother Church from the haqndes of the globalists, but about saving civilization, by which we mean Western/Christian civilization. 

Christian patriots of every denomination have a common enemy -- the cabal of globalist one-worlders. Their worldview is antithetical to the worldview of Christianity, which is why they are the obedient servants, not of Jesus Christ, but of population controllers, climate change fanatics, and globalist operatives such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros. 

Theologians are examining the options for how to remove an evil man intenton gaining total control of the Catholic Church. But in the meantime, resistance is key and not just from Catholics. All those who understand the power and influence of the Catholic Church on geopolitics will recognize how perilous the situation is. 

Mr Matt is at the forefront of a rapidly growing movement of Catholic traditionalists, including YVT, who make this appeal for the sake of Christian civilization as a whole. Powerful globalist entities are still hell bent on co-opting the Catholic Church, with Her two billion adherents worldwide, because they know very well that if the Church blesses and approves their diabolical plan to take over the world, there will be little to no opposition to their geopolitical agenda. 

Francis is key to the globalist vision for humanity. So even if we wanted to leave the Church (which we do not!), that would not help the situation, since there would then be even less opposition from within. We must stay on in order to expose and oppose these infiltrators. And with God's help, that’s exactly what we intend to do!

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

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