Thursday, June 10, 2021

"Islamophobic" attack in London: a calm look at the facts

Last week Canada's liberal political and media elites were clutching their pearls over the discovery of over 200 unmarked graves -- not one mass grave! -- at the Kamloops (BC) Indian Residential School. See "Canadian residential school deaths: a calm look at the facts", WWW 7/6/21. Copious quantities of crocodile tears were shed. Vigils were held. Statues of old white men were torn down. And apologies were issued on behalf of all those evil Canadian white supremacists.

This week's victims, we are told, are the 1000s of Muslims who have chosen to immigrate to the Great White North, notwithstanding that it's no country for followers of the Prophet. Why would anyone say that? Because, while out for a Sunday evening stroll in London ON, a family of recent immigrants from Pakistan were run down by someone driving a black pickup truck. Salman Afzaal, 46, his wife Madiha Salman, 44, their daughter Yumna Afzaal, 15, and Salman's mother, Talat Afzaal, 74, were killed. The youngest member of the family, nine-year-old Fayez, survived and remains in hospital.

All that is known, really, is that the family were standing on or near the corner of a busy intersection, waiting to cross the street, when they were struck. The truck did not stop. Nathaniel Veltman, 20, of London, the alleged driver, was arrested some six miles away from the scene, and charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder. London city police have called in the Mounties with a view to laying charges of terrorism as well. 

Under the Criminal Code of Canada, murder in the first degree requires premeditation. Mr Veltman was heretofore unknown to the police. There is no evidence of any relationship between him and the Afzaal family, or any motive that he might have had for attacking them. 

Nevertheless, Inspector Knacker waited all of 30 seconds before announcing that this was a "targeted killing", with the victims being selectede because of their Muslim faith. Since they did not have placards around their necks proclaiming their faith, it must be assumed that, seeing the way they were dressed, the driver of the truck (whoever he may be) just jumped to that conclusion. 

Open-and-shut case then? Agent 3 says that if he were defending Mr Veltman he would have a lot of questions to ask, such as:

- Where exactly was the family standing when they were hit? Did London's finest send an accident reconstruction squad to the scene? Is it possible the Afzaals were crossing the street against a red light? Did the truck drive straight through the intersection or did it make a right turn?

- On what basis was Mr Veltman arrested, six miles from the scene? Does he own/drive a black pickup truch? How many such trucks are registered to London addresses?

- What evidence -- not suspicion but evidence -- do the police have of "targetting"? What do they say as to Mr Veltman's motivation? 

- Even supposing that he did want to kill the Afzaals, why would not attack them in their home? Why wait until they went out for a walk? And how would he have known that they were standing at that particular location at that particular time?

Deplorable as the killing of these people is, Agent 3 says there's plenty of reasonable doubt about whether it was first-degree murder, let alone terrorism. There could be doubt, too, about who was behind the wheel of the black pickup, and what actually happened at the scene. 

Until such doubts are replaced by certainty, it is wrong to politicize the incident, as Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface and socialist leader Jugmeat Singh have done, by calling for still more laws against "Islamophobia" and "hate speech". You can't legislate brotherly love and peaceful co-existence.

One more thing.... How is it that when a white guy does something like this, all the rest of us millions of white men have to don the sackcloth and ashes, and admit that we are racists and haters, but when an "other" (non-white, and let's say non-Christian) does it, it's just the act of a mentally ill "lone wolf" (like this guy) and shouldn't be interpreted as in any way characteristic of followers of "the religion of peace"? Just askin'...

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