Friday, May 14, 2021

Apology to the Taliban

Ed. here. In common with the rest of the Western media, we may in recent months have given the impression that we regarded the Taliban as "a spent force", following their defeat by the glorious armed forces of the United States of America and its allies, and the cancellation, some years back, of their leader, Osama bin Laden.

Our readers may have been led to believe that the Taliban were no longer a credible threat to the stability of the Middle East, and that only small pockets of resistance in rural Afghanistan remained to be mopped up.

We now realize, however, that the Taliban are the greatest danger to world peace in human history (apart from al-Qaeda and ISIS, that is) and are capable of putting hundreds of thousands of trained fighters into the field, making our troops extremely vulnerable to attack, humiliation and death.

We therefore heartily endorse President Biteme's decision to bring our boys and girls home as soon as possible, leaving the defence of democracy, diversity and inclusion to the Afghan National Army who, even now, are revving up their Cessnas for an air strike.

We trust our position is now clear, and would like to apologize unreservedly to the Taliban for any confusion that Walt's previous posts may have caused.

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