Monday, February 8, 2021

VIDEO: Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes sets the record straight

Gavin McInnes, the founder of Proud Boys, has been taking a lot of heat lately. His alleged organization -- which isn't an organization really -- has just been declared a terrorist organization by the alleged government of his native Canada

In addition to being labelled as terrorists, the Proud Boys and Mr McInnes are being demonized for being white supremacists, neo-Nazis,alt-right monsters, yada yada yada. In this video, which is nearly three years old, Gavin discusses his 15 most controversial moments (to that point). 

In almost every case, he says, his destractors are taking a phrase or sentence completely out of context, and/or failing to recognize that he is indulging in the millennia old technique of hyperbole -- exaggerate for effect. In other words, what he says is not be be taken all that seriously.


Putting his self-defence another way -- and he would probably say that he wasn't defending himself, just explaining -- Mr McInnes likens himself to Walt's favourite stand-up comedian Bill Burr. What he and Bill do is to say out loud stuff that a large percentage of us "regular people" say in bars. 

A few of the Proud Boys may be genuine right-wing fanatics, but Walt reminds those who are crying for the censorship of every expression of politically incorrect thought that there are plenty of loony left nutbars out there too. 

Those who are already "beyond the fringe" don't need Gavin McInnes or (for that matter) President Trump to incite them to the acts of violence that may be characterized as "terrorism" (in the case of the right) or "mostly peaceful protests" in the case of Antifa and BLM.

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