Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, RIP... plus: death watch

In Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One, (((Zev Chafets))) quotes Rush Limbaugh as saying, "In my heart and soul, I know I have become the intellectual engine of the conservative movement." Walt would agree. Mr Limbaugh was a powerful influencer -- an inspiration, in fact -- as well as a voice for millions of conservatives, libertarians, fundamentalists, nationalists, populists and others on the right. His death from lung cancer was reported by his family yesterday. RIP.
Mr Limbaugh first announced his diagnosis a year ago, saying he would take time off for medical tests and to determine treatment. He said he intended to continue to work as much as possible, as well as focus on what he called his "deeply personal relationship" with God. A day after he announced his diagnosis, during the State of the Union address,President Trump awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

I have a feeling that next year's posts on People Who Left Us in 2021 will be voluminous. Britain's Prince Phillip entered the hospital yesterday (under his own steam, apparently) "for observation". He is 99. His better half, HRH Queen Elizabath II, will turn 95 in April.

April will also see the 94th birthday of Joseph Alois Ratzinger, aka Benedict XVI, sometime Pope of Rome. If he dies, the Roman Catholic Church will be left with only one pretender to the Chair of Peter.
And then there's Hazel McCallion, longtime mayor of Mississauga ON, who turned 100 on St. Valentine's Day. Walt wishes "Hurricane Hazel" many more years!

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