Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Babylon Bee's guide too good grammar

Ed. here. You know that Walt and I are sticklers for the proper use of the language of Shakespeare... and modern English too, "modern" being the English spoken by the Queen... Victoria, that is. ("American English" is an oxymoron.)

For us, it's a constant struggle to find and correct grammatical and orthographical errors. We have been forced to throw in the towel on the Apostrophe Error, because even professional communicator's seem compelled to insert an apostrophe before all terminal s's. Its a sin and a shame, isnt it?

And (said he, beginning not just a sentence but a paragraph with a conjuntion) let us not even begin to discuss "pause words", such as "basically", "like" and the dreaded "so", with which persons of a certain age and gender begin every sentence. So what?

We are happy today to find that we are not fighting the battle on our own. One of Walt's favourite blogs, the Babylon Bee, has entered the fray with "A Handy Guide Too Using Good Grammar", a compendium of tips for avoiding common errors of grammar and speling. 

Read it and learn, and know that you will always have our well wishes.

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