Saturday, July 4, 2020

Thomas Sowell destroys the arguments for multiculturalism

Thomas Sowell is an American economist and social theorist who is currently a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He was born in North Carolina but grew up in Harlem. And he is... wait for it... black. [Aren't we supposed to capitalize that, now? Ed.]

You might expect him to be supportive of the liberal ideal of multiculturalism as shown above. You would be wrong. In an essay entitled "'Multicultural' Education", Prof. Sowell avers that most of the arguments for that concept are so flimsy, inconsistent, and downright silly that it is hard to imagine that they would have been taken seriously if they were not backed up by shrill rhetoric, character assassination, and the implied or open threat of organized disruption and violence on campus.

In this essay he tackles, one by one, four Big Questions raised by the multicultists:
- Why do we study Western civilization, to the neglect of other civilizations?
- Why are the traditional classics of Western civilization written by dead white males?
- Don't we need multiculturalism to get people to understand each other and get along with each other?
- How are we to be part of the global economy, or engage in all sorts of other international activities, without being multicultural?

The essay is not long, worth reading in full. Thanks to the good folks at Blazing Cat Fur for letting us know about this.

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