Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"Allahu akbar!" at home in Afghanistan -- dozens, including newborns, killed

For the last couple of months, the Covid-19 "crisis", aka the Dempanic, as been not just the top story in our (((controlled media))), but, it would seem, the only story. They are so busy signalling virtue and pointing fingers that they have no time or space to report on threats to our way of life greater than those posed by the corona virus or the Chinese.

I refer to the militant Muslims, the Islamic terrorists whose aim is to kill us infidels -- all of us -- and conquer the world for Allah and his prophet, Mohammed.

That the jihadis have not been more active in North America and Europe of late is due in no small part to the closing of borders, following the lead given by Still-President Trump. But just because the terrorists have to stay at home doesn't mean that they've declared a "pauses" in their activity. Instead, they are killing other citizens of their shithole countries -- the ones that don't share their particular brand of the "Religion of Peace" (TM).

Just this week, militant Islamists attacked a maternity hospital -- let me say that again: maternity hospital -- in beautiful downtown Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. They killed 23 people, including two newborn babies, their mothers and an unspecified number of nurses. In the photo you see an Afghan soldier carrying in his arms the body of a dead baby.

Why would the jihadis attack a materntiy hospital? Because it's in Dashti Barchi, a mostly Shiite neighbourhood. The jihadis, you see, are Sunni Muslims. [Didn't Canuck PM Justin Trudeau say, "Sunni ways, my friends... Sunni ways."? Ed.] So the mothers were giving birth to little Muslims, OK, but not the right kind of Muslims!

No-one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but both the Taliban and the Islamic State frequently target Afghan military and security forces in Kabul, as well as civilians. The Taliban denied they were involved. In the past, most of the attacks in Dashti Barchi were carried out by ISIS. "Allahu akbar!!!"

Afghan and US officials have been telling us for months now that the ISIS affiliate in Afghanistan has been weakened as a result of relentless American bombing raids on the group's stronghold in eastern Nangarhar province, as well as military operations by Afghan security forces and attacks by ISIS' rivals, Taliban insurgents.

If you believe that, consider the evidence of a separate attack on the same day, in which a suicide bomber targeted the funeral in Khewa district of a local pro-government militia commander and former warlord who had died of a heart attack Monday night. 24 mourners were killed and  68 wounded.

The dead included Abdullah Lala Jan, a provincial council member, while his father Noor Agha, a lawmaker, was wounded in the attack. In a statement posted online late Tuesday, the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the bombing.

And so it goes. Cradle to grave, the Islamic terrorists are determined to get ya! Yesterday Afghanistan, tomorrow... who knows?

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