Saturday, November 30, 2019

UPDATED: London terrorist identified as Muslim. Sorry, suckers!

Notice is hereby given to those who took Walt's bet, at 100-1 odds, that the terrorist who killed two and injured three others on London Bridge yesterday would not be a British-born white Christian (or Jew): YOU LOSE. Sorry (NOT). Walt's lifetime pct .977.

Late yesterday, Inspector Knacker of the Yard [in reality, Metropolitan Police Chief Dick... really. Ed.] said the attacker was Usman Khan, a 28-year-old who was released on probation last year after serving six years for terrorism offences.

Mr Khan is not related to London Mayor Sadiq Khan, a peaceful, moderate Muslim. UPDATE ADDED at 0830. He is now identified as "British". His family is from Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. He was convicted in 2012 of terrorism offences and released in December 2018 "on licence," which means he had to meet certain conditions or face reincarceration [not reincarnation. Ed.] The other Mr Khan -- the mayor -- says now that there should be an investigation regarding his -- the terrorist's -- early release from prison.

Several British media outlets reported that he was wearing an electronic ankle bracelet. Basu said Khan was attending a London event hosted by Learning Together -- a Cambridge-based organization that works to educate prisoners -- when he launched the attack, killing a man and a woman and injuring three others.

None of the (((controlled media))) which Walt has checked so far have mentioned the religion or ethnicity of the late Usman Khan. Although his attack on innocent passers-by was quickly labelled "an act of terrorism", the word "Islamic" has yet to appear. Nor has anyone called Mr Khan a Muslim, even though that's what he was. Some of the lamestream media have not even shown his picture, although it has been available on Wikipedia since his 2012 conviction. No need to stoke the fires of Islamophobia, right?

Walt will refrain from saying "Told ya so!" But... those who have eyes to see, let them see. And remember, the truth is not "out there". It's here!

Further reading (added 5/12/19): "Lessons from London Bridge", by Tarek Fatah in the Toronto Sun, 4/12/19. Thanks to Agent 6 for the link.

Footnote: Thanks to the anonymous reader who told us that the term used by Dutch police to describe the copycat (?) who wounded three people in yesterday's attack in the Grote Marktstraat of The Hague is "licht vertint", meaning slightly tinted. The attacker is still at large.

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