Friday, August 23, 2019

VIDEO: South African woman shoots at home invaders

There are millions of videos on YouTube. You could keep your eyeballs glued to your screen 24/7 and you'd never see them all. In fact, every hour you watched, you'd get farther behind. So you'll excuse me for being a bit late to see and repost this interesting video from the "new" South Africa, originally uploaded in May of 2015. The subtitles added by Mr Coetzee tell you all you need to know about what went down.

In the USA, Canada or western Europe, the Coetzees would likely be facing charges for shooting at these poor disadvantaged yoofs. But not in South Africa. That country's new post-apartheid constitution has no Second Amendment, nor anything resembling it. Yet no-one questions the necessity of keeping... and sometimes using... firearms to protect their homes and themselves. They have to do so, for incidents such as this are all too common. Thank goodness it hasn't come to that in our countries. Right? Errr...

Footnote: Every now and then you'll see, somewhere in the liberal media, an argument that "white flees" from South Africa should not be allowed to immigrate to the countries of the West. They might infect us with their racism, you know...

Further viewing: A different turn of events in King County WA can be heard in "Actual 911 call of home invasion shows why everyone must be prepared to defend themselves", posted to YouTube just three months ago. You don't need me to explain the moral of this story, do you? Keep it in mind next time someone disses the NRA.

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