Wednesday, August 28, 2019

VIDEO: PPC Candidates discuss globalism, Islamism, and immigration

Canuckistan's federal election is less than two months away. The No. 1 issue at the ballot box is likely to be immigration. But, as noted in "Canada's 'independent' Debate Commission shuts out Max Bernier", no-one except Maxime Bernier and the People's Party of Canada wants to talk about it.

No-one. The leaders of the two major parties (Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber) don't want to talk about it. Neither do the leaders of the two minor parties. Nor do the (((controlled media))) and the liberal commentariat. Why? Because all of them are agreed that unfettered mass migration and open borders -- come one, come all! -- are good for Canada! That's the official multi-party line, the political orthodoxy which is not to be challenged. Period.

Only the People's Party of Canada offers a realistic alternative to the mass migration espoused by all the others. See "Max Bernier's PPC policy on immigration, in point form", WWW 25/7/19. But will the Canadian people get to hear about it? Not if the usual suspects (named above) have their way. That's why Maxime Bernier is not being allowed to participate in any of the televised leaders' debates. That's why pro-PPC anti-mass-immigration billboards have been torn down. See "PC police force takedown of pro-PPC anti-immigration billboards", WWW 26/8/19.

The People's Party of Canada, its leader and its supporters are being vilifed in the lamestream media as racists, Islamophobes, white nationalists, yada yada yada, for daring to suggest that the No-longer-great White North's immigration policies need a rethink. And your average Canuck doesn't know enough about the PPC and its policies to challenge those slurs, because the PPC is being so effectively deplatformed.

So... as a service to the Canadian public... Walt is sharing this video of five of the alleged racists etc etc talking about immigration, Islamism and globalism. This was recorded at the PPC convention in Gatineau QC on the evening of August 17th. Mark Friesen, Frank Vaughan, David Haskell, Laura Lynn Thompson, and Ivan Pak are not just reciting talking points from the party platform. They are giving their own opinions, exercising their right to speak out and put these issues on the table for discussion. They and their leader should be heard.

Further reading: Click here to find out how the People's Party policies compare with those of the other parties.

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