Friday, March 15, 2019

Walt explains motive for the New Zealand attacks on Muslims

New Zealand! Whoda thunk it? Check any list of World's Most Boring Countries and you'll find New Zealand right up there in the top three with places like Canada and Norway. Nothing ever happened in New Zealand, until yesterday. And then...

In the NZ city of Christchurch, at least three white people, one of them an Australian, staged attacks on two mosques during Friday prayers, killing 49 Muslims and wounding nearly two dozen more. At least one of the attacks was live-streamed on social media. The Authorities, normally reluctant to characterize such occurrences when shouts of "Allahu akbar!" are heard, were quick to denounce yesterday's attacks as "right-wing extremist terrorism".

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the "incident" as "one of New Zealand's darkest days." Clichés about "thoughts and prayers" were immediately uttered by Paragons of Virtue (TM) around the world, including even President Trump. Police have asked mosques across the island nation to close, as a precautionary measure.

Three suspects are in custody, according to Inspector Knacker. One of them -- the Australian -- has been charged with murder. Now it's time to ask the Big Question: Why did they do it? Is it simple Islamophobia -- fear and loathing of Islam and followers of the Prophet? Walt thinks there's more to it... and, at the same time, less.

What we are seeing, today in New Zealand previously in Québec and other Western countries, is the extreme expression of anti-immigrant backlash. It didn't have to be Muslim immigrants. It could have been Hindus (like the Sri Lankan Tamils) or Christians (like the mostly Catholic Venezuelans who are flooding into Colombia) or Jews (like the so-called "black Jews" who are migrating from Africa to their "homeland" in Israel).

People who are the majority population of any country don't like the feeling of being invaded by hordes of aliens from shitholes, particularly when those aliens seem intent on bring their shit -- shit culture, shit habits, shit work ethic, etc -- with them.

Think, for example, about Sharia law -- the Islamic "justice" that punishes adultery by stoning and homosexuality by castration or even execution. Think about the Islamic culture that not only allows but encourages husbands and fathers to murder their wives and daughters for bringing dishonour on the family, e.g. by wearing blue jeans or not wearing Islamic head-covers. It's not hard to understand why citizens of Western countries say, "If you want to live in a place where those customs are normal, why don't you go back where you came from?!"

I don't condone the killing of innocent people, no matter whether it's four dozen Muslims or the 1000s of Christians killed by Islamic jihadists in the Middle East as well as Europe and countries of the West. But I do understand where the killers are coming from, so to speak.

What I don't understand is why hordes of Muslims are flooding into New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA. I mean... I understand it in the sense of, if I lived in a shithole like Pakistan, I'd try to worm my way into the USA too, especially if I didn't have to give up my religion and way of life.

But I don't understand why people would go where they are obviously not welcome. The signs, like the one illustrating this post, are there to be seen. Maybe attacks like yesterday's are just some misguided people's way of making the message even more plain.

Footnote: Seems I'm not the only one who had these thoughts. Today's Telegraph quotes Australian senator Fraser Anning as blaming the Christchurch terror attack on the "increasing Muslim presence" in Australia and New Zealand. "I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community, and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman," he said. "However, while this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence. The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

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