Monday, March 18, 2019

UPDATE on Utrecht massacre: suspicions confirmed!

Walt is sorry, but not surprised, to have to close the betting on the ethnicity and religion of the gunman who murdered three innocent people and wounded at least nine more earlier today in Utrecht, Netherlands. See my first post below for my prediction. If you lost, just send your money by PayPal.

Yes, the Dutch politie (= police) have identified the suspect, who is still at large, as 37-year-old Gökman Tanis, who they say was born in Turkey. Nothing yet about his status in Turkey -- citizen or refugee/asylum-seeker -- or his religion. I suppose it's possible that Mr Tanis is a Turkish Christian -- modern-day Turkey was the location of many of the earliest Christian churches -- fleeing persecution by the quasi-Islamist Turkish government. If anyone wants to bet that way, I'll take the other side of the coin and bet that Mr Tanis is a follower of the Prophet Mohammed.

As to his motivation, don't be surprised if, when [if? Ed.] he's arrested, Mr Tanis says he was avenging the deaths of the Muslims killed in Christchurch, New Zealand, on the weekend. Do be surprised if the lamestream meeja call the Utrecht massacre an act of "Islamic terrorism". It is now absolutely forbidden to suggest that fanatical Muslims could be responsible for any of the 1000s of murders of non-Muslims in the Middle East, Europe, and the ROTW.

Walt notes with disgust the leaders of the Western world falling all over themselves to condemn racism, Islamophobia, white supremacy, yada yada yada, following the Christchurch massacre, and of course sending the customary thoughts and prayers, yada yada yada, to the survivors, their families, and Muslims everywhere. How about some of the same for the survivors and families of those killed or wounded in Utrecht today? Don't hold your breath because, after all, they weren't Muslims.

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