Saturday, March 31, 2012

Obama's Trayvon remark called "hysterical and exploitative"

Fox News appeals to American readers of whitish hue and rightish politics. Sun News is its Canadian counterpart, followed by the true hosers of the Great White North. The print arm of Sun News is QMI, which owns and publishes a number of whitish and rightish Canadian newspapers, the Toronto Sun being first and foremost.

Most of the writing in the Sun is in paragraphs of one sentence and words of one syllable, styled for those who move their lips when they read. However, the QMI papers and Sun TV have a few sane and literate pundits, among them Michael Coren. His column today is headed "Too easy to call out slurs before facts proven in Trayvon Martin case". Here's an excerpt.

...the usual race pimps and inverted racists, such as Al Sharpton, weighed in, and the New Black Panthers broke the law, uttered threats and screamed. They were aided in this by the increasingly hysterical and exploitative President Barack Obama, who made some absurd comment about Trayvon Martin looking like the son he never had. [Walt's emphasis.]

Possibly, Mr. President, but could that son also have looked like Shawn Tyson? He’s the 16-year-old with a long record of armed assaults who was just sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for murdering two British young men who wandered into the wrong part of town, also in Florida.

When these and so many other black-on-white murders occur, we are told that race is not an issue. When whites kill blacks — and official statistics have these cases as being incredibly rare — we are assured that racism is everything. Actually, black men are frequent victims, but their killers are invariably other black men. The vast majority of murderers of white men are also black.
Click here to read the whole piece. For an inverted racist's take on the issue, see "Trayvon’s killing echoes an uglier time in America". Konrad Yakabuski, the lamestream Globe and Mail's man in Washington, goes straight down the "racism is still alive and well in America line", as predicted here on March 28th. Advantage Obama!

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