Friday, March 2, 2012

Disney anti-obesity show: what you WON'T see

Walt's Florida-based agents don't go to Disney World. Only they know why. How could they pass up a chance to see a new "anti-obesity attraction", which opened at Epcot just last month?

Well, it's too late now. The anti-fat exhibit has been closed, after only three weeks, because of the complaints of angry parents, doctors and "obesity experts". [Ed. Please check if that's "obesity" or "obese".] The offended ones said the attraction was "horrifying" and -- predictably, in our PC age -- insensitive.

You'll find the Orlando Sentinel 's description of the exhibit, called "Habit Heroes", right here. Inside the 4,700-square-foot space, kids worked with protagonists Will Power and Callie Stenics (the one with the high jiggle factor) to fight bad habits, personified as grotesquely obese villains with names like The Glutton, Lead Bottom and The Snacker.

In one room, kids wielded guns that shot broccoli and apples, aiming to knock out cream puffs and hot dogs. In another, they pressure Lead Bottom into dancing to help him lose weight. These few words don't really convey an adequate mental picture, so, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, here's the hidden camera video.

Now I ask you, how could anyone be offended by that? I could watch Callie Stenics all day long!

For more on the fattening of America, see Walt's previous posts, "Fat and fatter", "Showers for those who can't see their toes" and "Fattest people on earth". And remember, even though someone may be fat, don't you dare tell them so!

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