Monday, October 24, 2011

Who shall we invade next? Walt's prediction

Another mission accomplished. The maverick, rogue, pariah [Ed., please insert other adjectives as needed. Walt] state of Libya has had its régime changed to one which is certain to be more pliant ["democratic", surely! Ed.] and peace and prosperity are assured. [Don't forget what you said earlier today! Ed.] So where do we go from here?

Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya. This is the third time in two decades that the USA and/or NATO and/or The West has invaded a troublesome country to relieve it of the oppression of a brutal dictator who, coincidentally, liked us even less than we liked him.

The principle seems pretty well established. If the West (meaning the USA and the running dogs which follow it) doesn't like the politics and policies of a foreign government, we can and will do whatever it takes to overthrow it. This is not a new idea. Think Chile. Think Vietnam. [Maybe not such a good example. Ed.] Think Monroe Doctrine.

So who's next on the list? There's quite a number to choose from. How about Iran, for starters? Charter member of the Axis of Evil. And North Korea, led by the totally loony Kim Jong-il. Dropping the net on him would be a boon to the whole world. And how about the octogenarian Comrade Bob Mugabe, president-for-life of Zimbabwe. His people are too passive and intimidated to rise up against him. Maybe we should go in and give him a case of lead poisoning.

But which one will we choose? Let's see. Zimbabwe has no oil. North Korea has no oil. So that leaves...hmmm... Don't say you weren't told. Lifetime pct: .971.

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