Friday, October 14, 2011

"Change has come to America"

Well, there it is. As the Prez sez, "change has come to America". That's what he promised, and that's what he's delivered. How's that working out for you?

The lamestream media have already pronounced Rick Perry's new ad "scary", "defeatist", "unhelpful" (eh?), "undemocratic" (since when is telling it like it is not a democractic right?), and so on.

Walt agrees 100% with the message. The same point could be made about no-longer-great Britain, and the not-so-great, not-so-white North, meaning Canada. But the question is, who, in any of these countries, is going to do what needs to be done to "get [fill in the name of your country] working again"?!

Rick Perry and the creators of this ad would have you believe he's the man. Walt is not so sure. Love the ad though.

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