Thursday, December 31, 2009

135, 136, 137, 138

We have no names or pictures yet of the four Canadian soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan yesterday. They were lost to an IED, traversing a chunk of parched and worthless ground that has been fought over again and again and again. Why???

Also killed was a Canadian journalist, a young woman who worked for the Calgary Herald. She was engaged to be married in July. There will be no wedding for her, no new year at all.

Canadians were not the only ones to have "a bad day" in Afghanistan yesterday. The Americans lost eight "civilians" (CIA operatives, actually), killed in a fortified base in the north-east of that miserable country, near the border with almost-as-miserable Pakistan.

Will there be any questions asked in the Canadian parliament? Will there be a debate on why we are in Afghanistan and how much longer we're going to stay there? Noooooo, because Smarmy Steve Harper, who has offered his "sincere condolences" to the families of those killed, has quietly asked [you mean "told", ed.] the Governor-General to progrogue (suspend) Parliament until March so he won't have to answer any questions about anything.

His regime has shown tremendous fear of criticism and has done everything it can to avoid having its policies and actions examined by representatives of the people. Perhaps Mr. Harpoon is taking lessons from the "government" of Afghanistan.

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