Sunday, April 28, 2024

What are the chances of the next Pope being Catholic?

Thanks and a tip o' the biretta (the hat still worn by some Roman Catholic priests) to the good folks at Blazing Cat Fur for posting "The Scandals Haunting Pope Francis", about the travails of true believers to find a Catholic pope -- as in "Is the Pope Catholic?" -- to succeed the apostate Francis, whose papacy is coming to an end. 

"Scheming cardinals are sharpening their knives", the BCF squib says. "The cardinals are already meeting to discuss who should be the next pope. Some of the liberal ones, who feel safe because they're in favour with the ailing Pope Francis, can be seen comparing notes in a bar near the gates of the Vatican. The conservative cardinals are more nervous: they gather at suppers in each other’s apartments or — if they can trust the fawning waiters not to betray them — in a favourite restaurant."

The link at the end of the BCF article takes you to an excellent article by Damian Thompson, writing in UnHerd, analysing the pros and cons of the many cardinals -- liberal and traditional, left and right, unworthy and worthy -- who might be elected in the next conclave.

Mentioned near the end of Mr Thompson's article is Cardinal Pietro Parolin, presently the Vatican's Secretary of State. A lot of damage has been to Holy Mother Church by recent Secretaries of State, including Cardinals Casaroli, Sodano, and Bertone, who held the position under Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Jorge Bergoglio, who calls himself "Pope Francis".

In "'Peter the Roman' ready to take over from Pope Francis" (WWW 14/1/18), I wrote about Cardinal Parolin, already notorious for orchestrating the Vatican sell-out to Communist China, condemned by Joseph Cardinal Zen Zi-Kiun. The agreement to sell out Chinese Catholics was supposed to be a trial, but has now become permanent, because Cardinal Parolin wants it so. 

Cardinal Parolin seems poised to finalize the sell-out of the Church to the New World Order and its New World Religion now "progressing" (word chosen carefully) under Pope Bergoglio. Let us pray earnestly the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel: Defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Thanks to BCF commentator Canucklehead for the very apt illustration. But, Walt hears you ask, where is Cardinal Parolin in the picture? Answer: He made and served the tea! 

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