Wednesday, December 6, 2023

VIDEO: Attn Americans: Canada's housing hell

I always LMAO when I hear Hollywood celebs like Cher, Barbra Streisand and Robber Reiner threaten to move to Canada when -- notice, "when", not "if" -- President Trump is re-elected. I'd like to see them try it!

Suppose one of them has a house valued at a million dollars in Malibu and is tired of having illegal alien migrants sleep and shitting on the beach in front of them. Xe has a house worth a million dollars. That should be about 1.35 million beaverbucks, right? That should get you a decent house in Canada, right? Wrong! That's about the average price of a modest single-family house in Toronto, such as this.

I'm exaggerating a bit. You wouldn't get that much land with the bungalow in Toronto. Maybe out in Dundalk ON, but not in Toronto, where 30-foot lots are the norm and "laneway houses" are starting to appear. Yeah, you might get a laneway house for $1,000,000.

The fact is, as Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre explains in this video, that affordable housing is beyond the reach of the vast majority of the subjects of Justin Trudeau, Emperor of All Canuckistan. Young Canucks starting out today have abandoned all hope of ever owning a house, and a great many can't even afford to rent, so they wind up couch-surfing or living with mom and dad. Canada really is "housing hell".

Tom Mulcair, the former leader of Canada's socialist NDP, now a talking head for the liberal CTV network, calls this video "just about the best piece of political communication Canadians have ever been treated to, and...devastating for Trudeau." 

As I explained in yesterday's post, it may be years yet before hapless Canucks get the chance to turf out the master narcissist. But our American readers are less than year away from their opportunity to give the boot to Demented Joe Biden, whose "Bidenomics" are having the same effect on the US of A. If you don't believe me, just take a walk (if you dare) around any American city. You won't have to go far to see "homeless encampments" -- remember "Hoovervilles"? -- even worse than than those in Trudeau's Canada.

Both the USA and Canada are broken. The lot of the average Canadian or American is worse than at any time since the Great Depression. The blame lies squarely at the doors of the liberal governments of Corrupt Joe Brandon and Blackie McBlackface. Resist them in any and every way you can!

Further viewing: "Advice on moving to Canada (if Trump wins)", VIDEO by Gavin McInnes, WWW 27/4/16. Poor Len Canayen and Walt himself approve Gavin's toque!

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