Monday, November 7, 2022

Waiting for the 8th - VIDEO: Demented Joe claims wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels, so shutting down coal will save us $$$

If you still don't believe President Brandon is out to lunch, check out the latest evidence of his tenuous grasp on reality as he claims "green power" -- wind and solar -- is cheaper to produce than energy from fossil fuels, oil and goal. So (he says) it's in America's best interests to shut down coal. Completely. And immediately. 

Senator Joe Manchin III (D-WV) called Demented Joe's comments "outrageous and divorced from reality," adding that "they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising eneregy costs." Here's the panel from Fox News.


Walt wonders which way Senator Manchin will vote on Tuesday. Which way would you vote, if you were Joe Sixpack, paying $8 a gallon to fill up your Ford F-150 while you save up money to buy a new F-150 Lightning? I'll see you on the beach!

Green footnote, submitted by Agent 6 for our True Facts contest: The city he lives in (which I won't name to protect his privacy) has a large fleet of electric buses. Sadly, it doesn't have a large number of charging stations connected directly to the grid, so has had to buy a diesel generator to make up  the electricity deficit!

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