Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Speaking (or NOT speaking) of black crime...

In "What the mainstream media don't like to report" (WWW 23/10/22) Walt gave an example (passed along by Agent 3) of how the lickspittle media turn a colour-blind eye to crimes committed by members of the so-called Black Community.

In the Greater [sic] Toronto Area, everyone knows that the majority of violent crimes in certain localities is committed by Persons of (Black) Colour. Yet the legacy newspapers and TV stations omit the names and/or pictures of the accused, so as not to feed the politically incorrect stereotype. 

Toronto, like most large North American conurbations, has problems other than murder, rape and armed robbery. Chief among its crime problems is the trafficking in drugs, which ties in with guns and gangs. At the street level -- the gang level -- lots of the perps are black. But when you go up a little higher, the diversity on which Toronto prides itself is more evident. The blacks may provide the brawn, but people of other hues provide the brains.

In the interest of fairness, then, Agent 3 suggests that we publicize a report from Hamilton ON station CHCH-TV, whose website headlines it "Peel police make biggest bust in force's history with over $25M worth of drugs seized". (Peel Region, mentioned as well in our earlier post, is the suburban sprawl immediatelyn west of Toronto.)

Here's the nub of the story. "Members of Peel Regional Police's Specialized Enforcement Bureau joined forces with U.S. Homeland Security to bring down an international drug trafficking enterprise and seized the largest quantity of illegal drugs in the force’s history. The investigation called 'Project Zucaritas' lasted for 11 months and resulted in the seizure of over $25 million worth of drugs."

Now we come to the part about race. "The 11-month investigation identified several group members at various levels of the organization:
Khalilullah Amin, 46-year-old man from Caledon has been charged with two counts of trafficking in controlled substances.
Jaspreet Singh, 28-year-old man from Brampton has been charged with one count of trafficking in a controlled substance, and one count of possession of property obtained by crime.
Wray Ip, 27-year-old man from Richmond Hill has been charged with four counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking.
Ravinder Boparai, 27-year-old man from Mississauga has been charged with one count of possession of property obtained by crime, and one count of possession for the purpose of trafficking.
Gurdeep Gakhal, 38-year-old man from Caledon has been charged with one count of trafficking in a controlled substance."

Oh... The names (which we applaud CHCH for publishing) don't tell you anything? You think maybe those guys might be Irish? Here are the mug shots, courtesy of the Peelers. (British readers will get that.)

How's that for a  nice diverse group. Looks to me like one Muslim (Idi Amin's cousin?), one Chinese, and three Indians, including at least one Sikh. Coincidentally, statistics from the 2021 census of Canuckistan, released today, showed that the majority of immigrants in recent years come from those very same Asian communities. As Just In Trudeau would say, "Quelle surprise!"

The report continues: "Investigators have also identified two transfer hubs allegedly involved in the distribution of illicit drugs:
North King Logistics, a commercial trucking company located at 50 Steeles Ave. in Milton.
Friend Furniture, a business located at 2835 Argentia Rd. in Mississauga."

Milton ON has in recent years become the new home of 1000s of Muslims from the Mid-East and South Asia. Argentia Road, in the notheastern quadrant of Mississauga ON, around Toronto's main airport, has for decades been populated mainly by south Asians of the Sikh persuasion.

This is not just a Canadian problem. The report concludes: "To disrupt and dismantle this group, SEB liaised with the U.S. Homeland Security Investigations in Detroit and Chicago, and Border Enforcement Security Task Force in Buffalo."

The fact that Detroit, Chicago and Buffalo have large black populations is irrelevant, as is the fact that all three cities have been run for decades by fairly elected Democrats.

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