Monday, September 19, 2022

Mid-terms: Why is it so quiet out there?

I can't figure it out. Here we are just six weeks (give or take) from the mid-term elections, the importance of which to the US of A can't be overemphasized, and one would think nothing special is going on. It's as if the nation is holding its breath.

On September 1st, President Brandon made a speech exhorting his followers (Sid and Doris Bonkers, of Loudon County VA) to do whatever it takes to defeat -- he put it more strongly than that -- "MAGA Republicans", who he called a threat to the United.States.

Picking up on that theme, Rep. Tim Ryan, who the Dumbocrats hope will beat J.D. Vance for the Ohio Senate seat, said the United States needs to "kill and confront" what he says is "extremism in the Republican Party. 

While admitting that Democrats "aren’t right on everything," Ryan stated during an interview Tuesday on MSNBC (who else) that he is willing to talk with others on how the USA can move "out of this age of stupidity."

Mr Ryan's comments come less than two weeks after his opponent was very critical of Hunter's dad's speech, claiming the president broke his campaign promise of uniting the country.

A Suffolk University survey conducted with 500 Ohio voters over two days in early September found that if the election were held immediately instead of in November, 46.6% of respondents said they would lean toward or vote for Mr Ryan, while 45.6% said the same for Mr Vance -- a statistical tie.

Last Thursday, in what might be perceived as an effort to increase his tiny lead, Mr Ryan attempted to distance himself from President Brandon, suggesting that the president shouldn't seek re-election in 2024. Many Americans would agree.

The utterances of Messrs Biden and Ryan aren't getting a lot of play in the lickspittle press, who seem to fear that their exhortations to do violence to Republicans can only have the effect of stiffening their resolve to turn turn the Dems out of office wherever possible, in November. Why wait for 2024 to excise the cancer that is killing America?

According to pollsters, an unintended side-effect of the "kill the Republicans" rhetoric has been to make it harder to identify Republican voters.  Call it the "shy Trumper syndrome". Why would anyone admit to a pollster or other nosy parker that they intended to vote GOP, at the risk of being doxxed and having protesters or possibly the FBI show up at your home? Just sayin'...

Another happening that has been under-reported in the mainstream media was the release of My Son Hunter, the feature film which reveals how Hunter Biden, the spoiled son of Sleepy Joe, has used his connections with the Man in the Oval Office to enrich himself and others. [Who? Ed.] The lickspittle media are ignoring -- "Nothing to see here, folks" -- what they and the White House can't deny.

The only story getting any serious play this past week was the bussing [or "busing" -- I can't decide. Ed.] of 1000s of illegal aliens from Texas, Arizona and Florida to "sanctuary cities" such as Chicago, New York, Sacramento, and Washington DC, whose mayor wants the National Guard to turn them away. Oh yeah, that happened in Martha's Vineyard too. I'll come back to this story later today.

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