Monday, April 4, 2022

A victory for Christian democratic, conservative, patriotic politics

The Europe editor for the BBC, Katya Adler, reporting on this weekend's election in Hungary, said "You could almost hear the collective thud of EU hearts sinking last night," as pro-life and pro-family Prime Minister Viktor Orbán -- seen here with Marine Le Pen, leader of France's National Rally -- has won a resounding victory in his quest for a fourth term as the nation's leader.

Giving the lie to (((controlled media))) polls predicting his defeat Mr Orbán's conservative Fidesz-KDNP party won in a walk, defeating a six-party "progressive" coalition to take a supermajority in Hungary's parliament, taking 135 of the 199 available seats.

Addressing a cheering crowd last night, Prime Minister Orbán said that they had "won a great victory -- a victory so great you can see it from the moon and certainly from Brussels" [the capital of the European Union]. "The entire world can see," he added, "that our brand of Christian democratic, conservative, patriotic politics has won. We are sending Europe a message that this is not the past. This is the future, our common European future."

That message may not sit so well with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the former actor and comedian who starred in the TV series Servant of the People, in which he played the role of the Ukrainian president. The series aired from 2015 to 2019 and was immensely popular. A political party bearing the same name as the television show was created in March 2018, and mere months later fiction became reality as Mr Zelenskyy became president of Ukraine.

Volodymy Zelenskyy is the darling of the Western media these days, the hero of the resistance, the David who will defeat Goliath Putin, yada yada yada. In recent videos such as "Putin's War: Biden, Soros and the Ghost of John McCain", our old friend Michael Matt warns us that Mr Zelenskyy is firmly in the camp of the European liberals, sponsored by and beholden to George Soros, the WTF and the same globalist elites that control North America and Western Europe.

As Mr Matt says in the linked video, "It's easy to repeat after the talking heads on TV: 'I stand with Ukraine,' or 'Putin’s an evil madman!' But how does this help the suffering Ukrainians on the ground? And how is it beneficial to Americans, now that powerful voices in Washington are beating the drums of war in Europe?"

Mr Matt asks, "What led up to this crisis? Who stands to gain from war in Ukraine? And why is this dominated by the ghost of John McCain? George Soros brags how he'd set up a foundation in Ukraine to 'reimagine and rebuild' the country.... Think the Crisis in Ukraine started three weeks ago? Think again! Joe Biden, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Amy Klobuchar, Hunter Biden…what were they doing over there, and don’t we have the right to know what’s going on before we start sending our kids off to fight another war in Europe?"

In the run-up to the Hungarian election, the lickspittle media (including the BBC and AP) kept repeating the liberal party line about Viktor Orbán being a "longtime ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin" and "famed for his warm relations with Vladimir Putin." Mr Orbán, however, has always insisted that his dealings with the Kremlin have strictly practical bases, such as keeping gas prices down and the maintenance and expansion of nuclear energy production. 

Hungary has been the only EU member-state bordering Ukraine which has refused to allow weapons shipments to cross into the embattled country through its territory. But it has been generous with other forms of aid, including support for the many thousands of Ukrainian refugees who have entered the country.

I conclude with a reminder that Our Lady of Fatima warned that if Russia was not consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, the "errors of Russia" would spread throughout the world causing the downfall of Western civilization and "the annihilation of nations". 

What did the Blessed Virgin mean by "the errors of Russia"? Certainly she meant godless Communism, and the insane secular humanism -- the denial of not just God's law but natural law -- which pervades Western society today. 

It is Vladimir Putin, not Volodymyr Zelensky, who is standing up to the Soros-led one-worlders. I support and pray for the Ukrainian people, who are fighting to preserve their country's independence. But I reject the notion that we should go to war for gay rights and the rest of the "progressive" prescription for a New World Order!

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