Wednesday, June 10, 2020

VIDEO: An African-American explodes the myth of "systemic racism"

In American politics, everything comes down to race. That's been more true than ever these last few weeks. Even Covid-19, the lefties tell us, is part of the "systemic racism" that "oppresses racialized persons". Dontcha geddit? The percentage of black and Latino Americans infected with the dread virus is higher than the percentage of paler people. That proves it's all part of a racist plot!

If you have the feeling that you've heard all this before, and that it's all the veriest bullshit, you are right. The liberal elites, the controlled press, and the Democratic party have been shovelling load after steaming load of this stuff out the door, into the streets and into the ether of the Internet ever since Still-President Trump was elected... and well before that, truth be told.

Every now and then someone dares to say "Hold on a minute. What you're saying is counterfactual." They are quickly silenced by their employers, the media censors and the "experts", but thanks to YouTube (and other Internet outlets), you can still hear them, if you know where to look. Here's one of them, Larry Elder of Epoch Times, who happens to be, errr, black.

In this 14-minute video, Mr Elder takes a look at former President Barack Hussain Obama and his transition from saying that race wasn’t important to fully embracing identity politics. He also looks further into how disadvantaged black Americans truly are and finds some interesting information. Check it out.

Further reading: "Dems Reach Out To Blacks With Solemn Performance Of The Cha-Cha Slide", Babylon Bee, 10/6/20. Here's the lede:
The world is hurting right now, and everyone knows the only way to heal the wound is for politicians to pander awkwardly to various demographics. To that end, the Democrats said they wanted to show their blackness by performing the "Cha-Cha Slide," a popular song among white people wanting to show their blackness.

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