Monday, April 1, 2019

VIDEO: The Boss talks about growing up Catholic, before the fall

Michael Matt, editor of the Remnant newspaper, has produced an excellent little video in which The Boss (Bruce Springsteen) talks/sings about what it was like to grow up Catholic in a typical American neighbourhood. Some would say he left the Church. Others, including Mr Matt and Walt, would say the Church left him. In the text on YouTube, Mr Matt writes: This is about the impact of the Revolution of Vatican II, not just on Springsteen but on his entire generation, who watched as the Church in her human element auto-destructed before their eyes. Running time 8:33.

"May God have mercy on all the lost sheep, us included."

Further reading: "The Battle for Rust Belt Catholicism", by Charles F. McElwee. The author points out that, if counted as a denomination, ex-Catholics like Mr Springsteen would make up America's second-largest religious affiliation. His conclusion: "The Catholic Church in America requires an institutional penance, but for penance to arrive, there must first be an acknowledgment of wrongdoing. For years, the Church's leadership has been a reluctant penitent, at best. Instead, it is the faithful who have atoned for the Church, trying, in numerous ways, to maintain (or revive) its sense of community, in the Rust Belt and elsewhere. Whether the bond of trust can be restored is uncertain."

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