Thursday, February 20, 2014

VIDEO: Porky Pig utters un-PC word in old cartoon

Walt is old enough to remember when "swear words" were never uttered on the silver screen. When Clark Gable said "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" near the end of Gone With The Wind, that was a really big deal...and I mean huge!

How, then,did this one, from the mischievous Warner Brothers cartoon factory, get by the censors?
WARNING: LANGUAGE - not suitable for viewers under 14 (meaning we know you'll want to check this out)

Since "sonovabitch" doesn't have a whole lot of shock value these days, you will be wondering about the point of this post. Here it comes.

Agent 9 introduced us to a great website called Video Jukebox. The creators have compiled a looooong list of links [nice alliteration! Ed.] of musical hits from (mostly) 1955 to 1964 -- the Golden Age of Rock'n'Roll. It's the kind of old-time rock'n'roll heard throughout American Graffiti, which I think of as the music of my life. Here's a sample -- one of my favourites!

All the links connect with YouTube, which means that it's free to listen (and rip). The compilers have done fans a huge service by getting everything in one place. There's a "donate" button at the top, so you might send along a couple of bucks. Enjoy!

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