Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homosexuality "crime against nature" sez India's Supreme Court... BUT Catholic bishop disagrees!

No wonder Pope Francis is so popular, especially in the USA where "gay culture" is the flavour of the month...make that decade. It was he who asked (rhetorically) "Who am I to judge [gays]?"

Maybe the Holy Father doesn't feel he's competent to judge [Is that all? Ed.] but the Supreme Court of India is willing to do so. It has ruled that homosexual activity is a crime against nature.

Which is what the Church always taught until political correctness forced Her to soften the tone a bit. Now it's just "objectively disordered", according to Benedict XVI, and maybe less than that according to Time's Person of the Year.

The ruling overturns a 2009 decision that had decriminalized homosexual acts, not unknown in India especially amongst a surprisingly large group of professional eunuchs. As you can imagine, the court's decision provoked an immediate angry response from the usual gang of "gay rights" spokespersons. "Religious organizations", they are saying, are responsible for the change.

Presumably those "religious organizations" would not include the Roman Catholic Church. Taking his cue from Pope Francis, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Mumbai and president of the Indian Conference of Bishops, denied that the Catholic Church had sought the high court’s ruling. The prelate said that while the Catholic Church was opposed to same-sex marriage, "the Catholic Church has never been opposed to the decriminalization of homosexuality, because we have never considered gay people criminals."

To which Walt says: What, not even criminals against nature?! And what do you call someone who breaks God's commandments? But then, who are our religious leaders to judge? Leave that to the courts...

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