Friday, October 25, 2013

Iranian Christians warned to lay off communion wine...or else!

The persecution of Christians in Muslim countries continues. Of course apologists for "the Religion of Peace" -- Hello President Hussein Obama! Hello Tony Bliar -- don't like to talk about the intolerance of the "Religion of Peace", but it's a fact. And sometimes it takes bizarre forms.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a UK-based organization which champions religious freedom [especially for Christians! Ed.] reports the existence of something called the Church of Iran, a Christian sect whose rites include the taking of wine at communion. This is not a good idea in countries governed by Sharia law, since alcohol is strictly forbidden to Muslims.

According to a report on the CSW website, four members of the Church of Iran congregation in Rasht -- a small city in northwestern Iran -- have been sentenced to eighty (count `em -- 80) lashes for consuming communion wine during a recent church service.

The report says that the sentence was handed down on October 6th, but doesn't say when it will be carried out. Walt will be keeping his eyes on YouTube for the video, which will almost certainly be posted "pour encourager les autres".

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