Saturday, August 31, 2013

Are we going to hit Syria or not? How we're betting...

It looks as if President Hussein Obama is bound and determined to counter his wussy image [not "uppity"? Ed.] by ordering a "limited, surgical" air strike against Syria, even though a good many members of Congress and the majority of the American people are opposed to intervention in that insane civil war. That'll show those Ay-rabs, huh!

Mind you, the Prez hasn't actually pushed the button yet. Perhaps he's waiting to see how many other countries are lining up for sloppy seconds. So far only France and Turkey -- yes, Turkey -- have offered to hold America's coat ["coat-tails", surely. Ed.].

The British Parliament, perhaps mindful of Tony Bliar's "WMD" deception, voted down Prime Minister Cameron's motion to lead the charge. Rather a sticky wicket, wot! And Canada's Steve Harper, normally in favour of anything that Israel is in favour of, has declined even to call the Canuck Parliament back from its summer snooze. That way, you see, he won't have to answer any embarrassing questions about the ongoing scandal involving his two favourite "journalists", Mike Puffy and Pam Wally.

Or perhaps Obama is fearful lest a "boots on the ground" invasion of Syria, which would follow as surely as the next president will be a Republican, turn into another (a) Libya, (b) Afghanistan, (c) Iraq, (d) Vietnam, (e) all of the above. Obie is not a stupid man. He may even realize that the rest of the world doesn't want the USA to be the world's policeman. But of course he can't say that in public.

So will the USA (or anyone else?) actually do anything to/about Syria? Len thinks not. Stay tuned.

Further reading: "15 Signs That Obama Has Already Made The Decision To Go To War With Syria", by Michael Snyder, posted on Activist Post on Sunday, August 25th. It's now Saturday, August 31st, and still nothing has happened except for a lot of bluster from the mouths of Obama, Kerry and, errr, Cameron. That's all ye know and all ye need to know.

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