Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's wrong with Obama? The Economist tells us

The pontificating classes have already begun analyzing (to death) the anticipated rout of the Democrats. I heard Chris Hedges call the expected result "the death knell of liberalism in the United States". Of course he would say that, being the author of a new book, Death of the Liberal Class.

In the interview I listened to, Hedges did not heap a lot of blame on Pres. Obama. He's still railing against the multinational corporations and other bogeymen of "progressive thinkers". However, other pundits have not been so kind to Mr. O (as in "zero"). He's getting a lot of stick for failing to deliver on the expectations he raised so high.

Walt takes the view that Obama's whole "message of change and hope" was a sham and an illusion from the getgo. That's what Hedges says. Even if the Prez was sincere -- and there's considerable doubt about that -- he didn't have a hope in hell of being able to deliver the goods, at least in a short two years since taking office. There's just too much wrong with the American economy and American society to fix so quickly.

The Economist makes a further point, which should be taken into account not just by Mr. O but by his counterpart north of the border. In its lead editorial this week, the Economist takes Obama to task for failing to listen to the people. Here's part of the penultimate paragraph.

Mr. Obama seems curiously unable to perceive, let alone respond to, the grievances of middle America, and has a dangerous habit of dismissing tea-partiers and others who disagree with him as deluded, evil or just bitter. The silver tongue that charmed America during the campaign has been replaced by a tin ear.... He does not seem to feel America's pain, and looks unable either to capitalise on his administration's achievements or to project an optimistic vision for the future.

Couldn't have said it better myself. They just won't listen! Hey...that could be a good slogan for a political movement!

PS - I'm still not in Kentucky!

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